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Bacterial Takeover β

Dark Matter

Dark matter.png

Dark Matter is used to research technologies in the Dark Matter Institute. Unlike Bacteria and Gene Strands, it is not lost when attacking planets or travelling through a Black Hole.

Dark Matter is mainly earned from trips through the Black Hole. The amount earned depends on the number of unspent Gene Strands.


Earning Dark Matter

From Black Hole

When entering a Black Hole, all Gene Strands are lost and the unspent ones are converted to Dark Matter.

The amount of Dark Matter earned increases at a logarithmic rate, which means that it does not increase as quickly as the amount of Gene Strands that are being converted into Dark Matter. This amount increases at even slower rate as you enter more Black Holes.

In version 1.3.0, the formula for the conversion rate between Gene Strands and Dark Matter was changed.

After updating, the first trip through a Black Hole will yield Dark Matter according to the old formula. The new formula will be applied for the following trips.

Old Formula

Dark matter formula4.png


New Formula

Dark matter formula 1.3.0.png


From Bacteria Recycling

When recycling Evolved Bacteria, there is a chance to obtain 4-48 Dark Matter. The exact amount depends on luck and the Bacteria Value Coefficient (BVC) of the recycled Bacteria.

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