Minerals are collectibles that are obtained via Planetary Research or from destroying planets.
Each Mineral gives a permanent boost to BPS or BPC, but each type of Mineral can be obtained only once.
Finding Minerals
Each planet has only one type of Mineral, but each Mineral can be found on several planets.
Minerals can be obtained either from destroying planets of from conducting Planetary research.
Planetary Research
Planetary research involves gathering soil samples. If the player has used up all the chances for gathering soil samples and hasn't found the Mineral through destroying the planet, he can reattempt to find the Mineral on the same planet after entering a Black Hole or look for the mineral on other planets.
Each Mineral has a different base drop chance, which increases as the player sends more Scientists to the current planet. For each additional Scientist that is stationed on the planet, the chance is increased by 10% of its initial value.
Destroying Planets
The chance to find a Mineral from destroying a planet is equal to half of its base drop chance.
It is not influenced by the amount of Scientists stationed on the current planet.
Mineral Effect
Each Mineral that has been obtained increases either BPC or BPS.
This effect is never reset and each new Mineral multiplies the corresponding bonus to Bacteria production.